Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Saturday night...last one in the tub is a ....

So, Saturday evening as I was making the rounds for what needed to be ready for Sunday morning, I realized everyone had bathed/showered but the baby. So, after carefully assessing the baby to sink ratio was just about limited out, but good for this one last time, in he went. OH. MY. LANDS. Water everywhere. Oh yeah, he'd been outside so not only was he soap slick, he was suntan lotion slick. Nice. I could've entered him in a greased pig contest at the fair. This picture is after the fact...I'm soaked,.. Lulu is taking picures and Anthony? MMMM he smelled just yummy.
So, in case you are not up to date (since I've been remiss in my postings) Stevi & L'il Bit are living with us now. They have been since late April. Stevi works 5 nights a week at Charburger in CL. I am still working in Vancouver (7:30 - 4) and rush home to watch the baby @ 5. Lulu is an active teen-in-waiting...she watches Anthony for 45 +/- minutes until I get home. She just got back from camp Mayfeild with our church from Vancouver & is anxiously awaiting youth group in Hood River. Eric is still in Troutdale working swing and working on the yard. I am adjusting to a "new/old" church family...I lead worship on Wednesday nights & am on a worship team. Our move nearly a year ago was still the best thing for our family...I think I may just be tired (ya think!?!) So...I should be better at posting...now that we have a camera...yeah that was the problem ;o)


Stephanie Breuner said...

so good to hear how you are doing. Crying is so therapeutic. Nice that you get to have your grandson so near-really near. Glad Stevi is doing well Love ya.

Matthew & Evelyn said...

Love the picture...Lulu, you're a pro. Anthony is huge! How fast they grow. I'm so glad Stevi is doing well and you're able to have them both so close.