So Vacation pics you recognize the lyrics? Extra points if you do (hint go-go from the bottom of the vacation pics up) We had a very blessed, relaxed time this year. Eric's brother Mike and wife Josie joined us along with our two nephews Connor and Kaleb. We hope they come again next year. Stevi felt it was too soon to ask for 10 days off from work, so we had the baby. He got 3 new teeth at camp (I'm sure the other campers LOVED it ;o)) We are so blessed to have a family (on both sides!) who love the Lord and each other and are patient with all the varying personalities...I wouldn't have changed a thing about the week...oh except the part where dad and DenaRae got the stomach flu (poor DR in a tent), oh and when dad fell down the hill fishing...oh AND WHEN ERIC FED THE BABY PART OF HIS BANANA SPLIT & A PICKLE AND THEN SLEPT THROUGH THE HOUR I WAS UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT...oops was I in caps (hee hee.) Seriously. They are all keepers....wanna join us next year?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tomorrow's a day of mine that you won't be in ...
Ok, that was Eric's pride and joy float he bought for vacation this has room for 6 - 8 adults, cup holders, a ladder, anchor etc. Tommy was scared the first day to go out and get on it...that's Eric giving him a piggy back ride...that's all she wrote he was out and back several times after that!
Can't seem to get my mind off of you...
Vacation meant to be spent alone...
Monday, July 09, 2007
A blanket with a view...
Patriotic Baby
Saving spots and waiting for the runners...
Yea it's the 4th of July
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
My New Job Title....
Here it new certification. It also translates to a new classification of Microsoft Certifications in September. In the craziness of everything else, I went to San Diego, CA for classes (had to miss Spring retreat ;o(). My best gal Lorie White went with...class from 8 - 5 & then much needed girl time in the evenings. Yeah. Right. We laughed because we were in bed by 10...I mean lights out by 10...we sure did have fun though....
Saturday night...last one in the tub is a ....
So, Saturday evening as I was making the rounds for what needed to be ready for Sunday morning, I realized everyone had bathed/showered but the baby. So, after carefully assessing the baby to sink ratio was just about limited out, but good for this one last time, in he went. OH. MY. LANDS. Water everywhere. Oh yeah, he'd been outside so not only was he soap slick, he was suntan lotion slick. Nice. I could've entered him in a greased pig contest at the fair. This picture is after the fact...I'm soaked,.. Lulu is taking picures and Anthony? MMMM he smelled just yummy.
So, in case you are not up to date (since I've been remiss in my postings) Stevi & L'il Bit are living with us now. They have been since late April. Stevi works 5 nights a week at Charburger in CL. I am still working in Vancouver (7:30 - 4) and rush home to watch the baby @ 5. Lulu is an active teen-in-waiting...she watches Anthony for 45 +/- minutes until I get home. She just got back from camp Mayfeild with our church from Vancouver & is anxiously awaiting youth group in Hood River. Eric is still in Troutdale working swing and working on the yard. I am adjusting to a "new/old" church family...I lead worship on Wednesday nights & am on a worship team. Our move nearly a year ago was still the best thing for our family...I think I may just be tired (ya think!?!) So...I should be better at that we have a camera...yeah that was the problem ;o)
MMMMM thanks for the 'nanas Meemaw
Outside in the sunshine
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