Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sanjaya's not the only one w/ a faux hawk

PS Check out that pumpkin (the orange one in the background, not my little pumpkin....

Oregon State Fair...

Baby, Baby whose got the baby? A good bet it's Amy. I bet her arms are still sore....

Anthony and Grandpa pickin' up chicks...

'nuff said....

Curling at the State Fair

Lulu & Katie trying their hand at curling...Oregon State Fair...

Becasue I'm the MeeMaw...

Because I'm the Meemaw, I gave L'il Bit a lollipop...oh the joy...He sits in his high chair just like his Autie Lu foot up on the tray...

Earnin' her keep....

I could be wrong but I think that Lulu is the newest/youngest kid in the youth group ("Three Nails Later") Reportedly she worked her tail off...she sure was tired Saturday night. She also won a CD for getting a certain # of sponsors...

Workin' at the CAR WASH....

The youth group @ HRA/G had a car wash this past Saturday...the monies raised are for a Back to School bash where they will have a BBQ for kids and two local Christian bands...anyway, Eric was in charge of pictures...and lo and behold 75% of the pictures are of this "My favorite year" Chevy Camaro. Funny.