Tuesday, April 07, 2009

"School Pictures" @ Grams 90th...

We hired a photographer for my Grams 90th birthday party...here are the "school pictures" of my three babies ;o)

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Sunday pics

Kids hanging out in the entry way @ ROL A/G before the youth service. L-R Sam, Tommy, Andy, Lu, Gabby Gab & Raquel.
"Ti-ti" & L'il Bit

Lulu speaks at the youth service

Lulu helped lead the youth service Sunday 01 March. She spoke on Freedom. She was great.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Lu, Locks of Love, TAKE II

Miss Lulu made her second donation of hair to Locks of Love. She's had this style picked out for quite awhile. The hairdresser was SURE mom & daughter would want her to stop @ a "bob". Because she made that cut where she did, the pony was 1" short of last time, 15".

Friday, February 20, 2009

I've been served...

So, last night I had Bunco...I've had the awful cold/crud & decided to rush home take a bath before going...then the dogs were barking...Sherriff at the door to serve me divorce papers.

Today the song keeps going through my mind "But I know whom I have belived and am persuaded that He is able..."

Thank you for stopping by...hopefully there will be more pics soon to update with...

Friday, January 30, 2009

January 2009

So...I guess I am going with the addage (sp) if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all! ;o) ACTUALLY I am so thankful for friends and family...you seem to know what I need before I do...

Ok recap:
1. Lulu & I will try to stay in our house (rental) through the school year
2. The High School Lulu was looking forward to attending has been closed effective Fall '09, so she will be in a 6A high school in Hood River if we stay
3. 10 % wage cut @ work
4. Singleness for the first time in 16 years...YIKES! Who am I alone?

So, I covet your prayers everyday in every way. I feel battered & a little angry. None of these things were by my choice so I guess I need to "slow my roll" and listen to what God is saying in all things...I keep saying to myself "I am the strongest woman I know!" I'll let you know if that helps hee hee ;o)

Many hugs and much love to all who stop by...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lulu captures pictures of Heaven

Taken from our front porch by Lulu one magical evening...
In loving memory of My Aunt Becky Perkins who is dancing on the clouds & on the beach I am sure... and HC Newman who was freed from the demons he fought on earth & is probably talking non-stop above us...won't it be AMAZING when the clouds un-fold for those of us here on earth? I can only imagine....

Brutus. Puppy Extraordinaire!

So, Lulu got a "surprise" puppy. She'd just finished reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" and thus almost named him Scout...
But since he was the LARGEST yellow lab in the litter....she decided Scout seemed like such an "average size dog" name...so he was crowned Brutus

EEEWWWW! Did you see what he DID?!?!?

The crate is mine....

& I am sure all the toys are MINE, MINE, MINE!!!

Puppies are good therapy, believe it! Stevi said, why doesn't anyone want to take my picture with the new puppy...so, I did.

Misc. Wallowa Lake pics

Opa & Anthony check out dinner er a deer....
Lulu getting ready for her turn @ minature golf...

Stevi @ camp....she sure was a trooper. We're reminded daily how very blessed we all are!

The Group of us @ Mad Mary's in Joseph, OR. Front left clockwise around table:

Stevani, Eric, Mike Roush, Josie Roush, DenaRae Carlock, Thomas, Connor, Andrew, Kaleb, DesiRae "Lulu", Claudia Perkins, Bill, Megan, Anthony "L'il Bit"

Oregon Zoo June 2008

Ok the picture is blurry, but priceless...

Isn't she pretty?

Um, we're so DONE with pictures already!

Wallowa Lake Joseph, OR...this is our "Traditional" picture taking place...they looked like they've been hogtied...PRICELESS!

Opa and his boy

Harely do-rag on OPA just outta site...
Anthony even running the truck overhaul...Opa doesn't look like he minds though, does he?

4th of July Hood River, OR

Meemaw and her boy (note the Harley do-rag!)

My how time flies....

So, where'd three (3) months go? I'm a year older...Lulu is in her last year before High School, we have a puppy, let's see...all kinds of fun stuff...I'll try to get some pics up...oh hey, seen "W."? I bawled like a baby...haven't cried like that since, ok...LOTR II. Yeah, that was bad...this was almost as bad...anyway, happy FALL Y'ALL...

Advent Conspiracy...

Seriously, click the button on top and watch the video...I challenge you to a save-off this year!

Monday, July 28, 2008

A couple of camping pics....

First Hair cut

They gave him a sucker to keep him quiet

Stevi update 28 July (one month in....)

So...the nice doctor today (as opposed to the super yucky/no glove wearin'/no hand washin' /no paperwork for DMV doctor last week) says:

* Fractures are all still present, but healing in a predicted fashion
* No stairs for at least 6 weeks (keep in mind her apartment is on the 2nd floor, so she'll be bunking with us!)
* Full year is a reasonable guess to full recovery
* Weakness in hands should be addressed by pt. He actually gave pt orders today! Yea God for going before us! We've been so frustrated with the level of "big city" care...
* Involuntary jerking/flailing is probably due to meds

Most importantly he treated her like a valuable HUMAN being...